中法同庆 “中国龙”的奇妙之旅!

日期:03-06  点击:  属于:行业资讯


In the long history of China, dragon, with its unique and mysterious image, plays a vital role in traditional Chinese culture. Its image has been recorded in ancient books to have nine features: the head of a camel, the horns of a stag, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of a cow, the neck of a snake, the belly of a giant clam, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle and the paws of a tiger. So, dragon, whose image combines the prominent features of many animals, bears the ultimate pursuit of strength, wisdom and beauty by ancient Chinese people.


The lunar year is the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. The year 2024 also marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The two countries have held various cultural activities to promote exchanges and mutual learning.



French artist Gwendoline Finaz de Villaine has created a sculpturenamed“Le Voyage Du Dragon”, which was inspired by the image of Chinese dragon and Chinese origami art and features French style in its color scheme and design of upturned wings.



The dragon culture has developed from cross-culture integration to understanding, as China and France are taking it as a medium to deepen mutual understanding and appreciation. To welcome the Year of the Dragon, the arts of French oil paintings and Chinese wood-block New Year paintings joined hands, with Chinese and French artists creating works under the same theme of circling dragon respectively. French artist Jean Frangois Larrieu said that the images of most dragons in the West have vicious characteristics. So in order to better present dragons in the minds of Chinese people, he consulted a lot of materials to understand Chinese culture during the creation. As a result, this oil painting is closer to the traditional Chinese aesthetic style, such as the dragon’s circling image or the color scheme featuring much bright red. The works’ strokes are rich in Chinese cultural elements.



       Cross-cultural resonance is enhanced thanks to increased cross-cultural understanding. The dragon culture also lights up Paris and Shanghai, where the two metropolises echo each other by enjoying the lantern fair in Shanghai’s Yuyuan Garden. In the lantern fair, one can see a lot of lanterns in the shape of swimming fishes and flying dragons, which make a beautiful and spectacular scene. This is because there is an allusion in traditional Chinese culture called “carp leaping over the dragon gate.” Legend has it that a carp jumping over the dragon gate will be transformed into a flying dragon, which means striving for progress and achieving success. 



Now the magnificent scene of fish and dragon lanterns in Yuyuan Garden is presented to people of the two countries. Chinese dragon, as an important symbol of traditional culture, is believed to bring more possibilities for cultural exchanges between China and France. The two countries, represented by Chinese dragon and Gallic rooster, will continue to write new chapters of friendship.
